If you have a small business that focuses on a particular area, flyers are a great way to advertise,said Nathan Letourneau, co-founder of CampusBooks4Less. And they needn t be… boost your seo rankings
That s right - this search engine optimisation article is telling you not to submit your website to any search engines. Not Google, not Inktomi, not AltaVista. Sound a bit strange?…
ChobaniLast Friday a federal judge in Utica, New York, issued preliminary injunctions against ads for Chobani yogurt that disparage two competing brands, Yoplait and Dannon, by…
LinkedIn is a very effective medium to increase customer acquisition, especially in the Business to Business market. But with the different types of advertising, the bidding payment…
An ad placement is a specific group of ad units on which an advertiser can choose to place their ads using placement targeting. Ad placements can be as broad as an entire website…
SEO is the process of improving the organic ranking of a website with leading search engines. Professional SEO firms like Submit Express help to improve search engine rankings…
If you’re sick of ads interrupting your viewing experience every time you stream TV shows online, here’s some bad news for you: They’re not going to go away anytime soon. “We actually…
For more info on the different kinds of AdWords extensions, check out our . AdWords call extensions apply your business phone number to your text ads. This can come in essentially…
John Mueller of Google posted yesterday on Google+ that Domain name search engine registration is purely a scam. Most of you know this but to have someone from Google in the search…
Sections This guide shows you how to use Squarespace s SEO-targeting features and other tools to increase your site s visibility to search engines. Note: Before you begin, please…
Everyone wants a marketing silver bullet or an advertising secret potion. Unfortunately, those things don t exist. However, there are a few ways you can generate a solid amount…
Inclusion in Google s search results is free and easy; you don t even need to submit your site to Google. Google is a fully automated search engine that uses software known as…
If you haven’t caught on yet, this match type is known in AdWords as the Broad Match Modifier, but it is more commonly and widely known as simply Modified Broad. People tend to…
Ever dabbled in print advertising, or thought about it? I’ve done marketing for my family’s small business for the past 10+ years and I’ve learned a few things about making advertising…
We highly recommend manually submitting your website pages to the search engines. That said, the search engines give no guarantee of ranking your page because you have manually…
Our submission script will submit your website URL to 70+ top search engines for free, including Google. Submit Express can register your website URL with 70+ search engines and…
Everyone knows that half the fun of the Super Bowl is the commercials. With advertisers paying $5 million per 30-second spot, the results are usually pretty spectacular - and often…
How to Strategically Deliver Words that Get People to Take Action Copywriting is one of the most essential elements of effective online marketing. Copywriting is the art and science…
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. You’ve just launched your site and are awaiting the avalanche of traffic and sales that is sure to be just around the corner. But as you…
WordPress.com blogs and websites are very search friendly by default. The best advice we can give you about getting listed in search engines is to make sure your Privacy Settings…
Once you ve built your site, the next step is to get visitors to it. Search engine rankings is a world of myths, out-of-date information, and big money. Chances are, if you done…