SEO is the process of improving the organic ranking of a website with leading search engines. Professional SEO firms like Submit Express help to improve search engine rankings for their clients by modifying their websites to better reflect what search engines are looking for. Read a more detailed explanation of SEO here.
Overview of SEO Services
Submit Express can increase the search engine rank and site traffic of any company. The expertise offered by its technical and copywriting staff enables Submit Express to successfully meet the needs of companies with complex websites in competitive industries.
Submit Express caters to clients who require an intensive, full-service approach to search engine marketing. As experts in the search engine optimization and marketing industries, the management and employees of Submit Express have a proven track record for crafting effective Internet marketing strategies with measurable, long-term results. Pierre Zarokian, President and CEO of Submit Express, is considered an expert in the world of SEM/SEO. He has been quoted extensively in SEM-related articles in the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Forbes.
Initial Review and Analysis
Submit Express begins all search engine optimization services with a thorough review and analysis of a client's website to identify potential areas of improvement. This free, initial consultation can help to identify problems with dynamic or duplicate content, Flash and session ID numbers, poor-quality back links and any other factors impacting a site's ranking.
Competitor Analysis
Submit Express provides you with a competitive landscape to identify key businesses in your space and which SEO methods will be effective in helping you to gain an advantage.
Website Analysis
Our website analysis is a comprehensive overview of your website that provides a snapshot of how it is viewed by search engines. By performing analysis on the following areas, we can develop a strategy to improve areas of your site and help your search engine rankings.
HTML Code Analysis
We will review your HTML coding to ensure that it is properly formatted to be picked up by search engine spiders.
HTML Structure Analysis
Having a well-organized HTML structure makes your website more attractive to search engines.
Website Design Analysis
We can perform an analysis to see if your website design is utilizing tools which make it less than SEO-friendly.
Content Management System Analysis (if available)
We can also analyze content management systems to make sure they comply with SEO best practices.
Keyword Research and Analysis
Using proprietary in-house keyword research tools and several third party tools, Submit Express will analyze the data to find the most relevant keywords with the most traffic for your website. Our research will also tell us which keywords will help to gain rankings quickly. Our research includes:
Content Writing
Unique, well-written and optimized content is critical to search engine marketing success. Content is what brings your site to the attention of search engine spiders. It also needs to be interesting and useful to hold the attention of human readers and close sales. Submit Express offers a variety of content writing services, including:
Website Content
Our copywriters craft informative and highly relevant website content for your target audience while maintaining keyword densities and page lengths that satisfy the rules of search engine algorithms.
Press Releases
Our Press Release Writing and Distribution service enhances your company's visibility, creates corporate branding and increases traffic to your website.
We provide fresh, research- and keyword-based articles that promote your business and reach your customers.
Our blog writing service includes timely, business-related and optimized blog posts that engage readers within a targeted demographic.