Category: Online Marketing

Free websites Advertising sites

Free websites Advertising sites

With Jimdo, it’s easy to create and run a successful website. To begin, pick the pricing plan that is right for you. If you’re not ready to fully commit to the costs of creating…
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Online Internet Marketing

Online Internet Marketing

Steps Part 1 Considering Your Marketing Role Decide if marketing is a career fit for you. Consider taking a personality test, which will reveal your preferences. A test similar…
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PPC Advertising

PPC Advertising

Paid search is one of the most effective ways to grow your business. This page is a basic overview of PPC, an overview of some of the core terms you’ll encounter as a paid search…
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Website Ad Rates

Website Ad Rates

Having a hard time getting your advertisements up and running? What about placing them on your site somewhere? This section is designed to answer the most popular questions we…
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List My website

List My website

Did you know Google can make your blog disappear from its search results? One day, you’re getting a nice little trickle of traffic to a few of your posts. No, it’s nothing major…
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Ways to Market your business online

Ways to Market your business online

Many business owners avoid doing any online marketing for their business because they feel they cannot afford it. The reality is, marketing is one business tactic that you actually…
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Network Advertising

Network Advertising

NAI is a non-profit organization that is the leading self-regulatory association dedicated to responsible data collection and its use for digital advertising. Since 2, we have…
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Internet Ads

Internet Ads

Advertising on your blog can be a very lucrative and attractive income stream if you learn how to do it correctly. It can be much more complicated than just throwing up an ad for…
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Different Types of Internet Marketing

Different Types of Internet Marketing

The internet is becoming one of the primary sources of information for people around the world. Users prefer doing a quick online search for anything they want, instead of turning…
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PPC in Marketing

PPC in Marketing

Landing pages are obviously the most important element of any marketing campaign. They are a towering monument to the ingenuity of the human species; the logical endpoint to the…
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Marketing your website

Marketing your website

Your website is an essential tool in your marketing strategy. It helps new customers find you and advertises what you can offer. You can use it to keep existing customers informed…
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How to Marketing a website online?

How to Marketing a website online?

I am so grateful the Ninjas are a part of our team. We tried figuring out the SEO and link strategy on our own for several years and ended up getting penalized by Google for it…
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Online Advertising business

Online Advertising business

Article Focus: Google Adwords PPC for Local Business (Pay Per Click) Hey guys, it blows me away that many small business owners we talk to still think that high-quality leads and…
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Ways to Market online

Ways to Market online

(FSB) - When Mark Bitterman, who calls himself a selmelier,was trying to pump up sales at his gourmet salt shop, he knew standard marketing techniques such as radio ads and direct…
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Marketing Your website online

Marketing Your website online

There is some debate out there as to whether blogging is still relevant in today’s social media marketing environment. Regardless if you are a small business, or a multinational…
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Online Marketing cost

Online Marketing cost

An Update From Our Popular 2014 & 2015 Articles As the end of 2015 nears, we begin to think about that question again and how our businesses are going to grow and compete…
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Free Advertising sites on Google

Free Advertising sites on Google

Starting this blog post on Halloween took me back to the days of wandering up and down the streets of my childhood neighborhood. At the ages of 7, 8, and 9 my neighbors and I were…
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Online Advertising Marketing

Online Advertising Marketing

Advertising online - through pay-per-click (PPC) adverts, banners and other messages - can be an excellent way to promote your brand, boost traffic to your website and generate…
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Market My business online

Market My business online

Building likes on a fan page takes a bit of strategy with targeted advertising through Facebook pay-per-click. The nice thing about Facebook s advertising platform is that you…
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