Category: Digital Advertising | Page 2

Types of digital advertising

Types of digital advertising

Compared to other ad types, search has a relatively straightforward set of performance metrics based around clicks, conversions and raising brand awareness. The medium is mostly…
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What is PPC Marketing?

What is PPC Marketing?

There are many ways to drive traffic to your website including social media marketing, search engine optimization, and email marketing. However, these methods of driving traffic…
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Best Ways To promote Your Business Online

Best Ways To promote Your Business Online

There will be 2 advantages of promoting your business further to the unknown world. First is, you are continuously getting hundreds of direct referrals & even if you get…
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Digital advertisers

Digital advertisers

Advertising today is not the advertising that’s featured on the hit TV show Mad Men. Advertising has evolved. No longer is it restricted to print publications, static billboards…
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AdWords account Management

AdWords account Management

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. While the majority of these calls are not worth your time, you’re most likely screening one or two that will actually help you truly…
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Ecommerce Promotions

Ecommerce Promotions

It’s March and that means we are well into 2015. You’ve got 9 months left to get it right and only 7 months before the holiday season officially kicks off. So are you ready to…
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Digital advertising technology

Digital advertising technology

Delivering online communications begins with optimising skills. We understand there is a worldwide demand for skilled graduates who can produce tailored content, manage campaigns…
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Forms of digital advertising

Forms of digital advertising

The age of the Internet has taken the world by storm in the last decade and has changed the way consumers behave and buy products. With this change has come a new type of consumer…
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Digital advertising Rates

Digital advertising Rates

Engagement rate, the percentage of the audiences that consumes a particular piece of editorial content, creates the biggest squeeze on digital advertising profits. The advertising…
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Web Advertisements

Web Advertisements

Summary: Web users are highly goal-driven, and ads that interfere with their goals will be ignored. To succeed, ads must work with the medium, as well as with the user s aims and…
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Digital advertising Wiki

Digital advertising Wiki

An advertising agency is a service based business dedicated to creating, planning, and handling (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients. An ad agency is generally…
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Digital advertising Tools

Digital advertising Tools

In today’s wired world, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of digital marketing to the success of your business. Strong, successful companies are carving out virtual space…
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Digital advertising courses

Digital advertising courses

The Online Awards of Completion in Advertising are personal enrichment programs designed for students interested in acquiring a foundation of knowledge and skills necessary for…
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Cost of digital advertising

Cost of digital advertising

Social Media Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider Intelligence that collects and delivers the top social media news first thing every morning. You can sign up to…
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Different Types of digital advertising

Different Types of digital advertising

One of the primary devices for digital media advertising is the Internet, which offers advertising options such as search engine marketing (SEM), content ads, display ads, search…
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Different Types Of Online Ads

Different Types Of Online Ads

I am often asked how the different audience types (such as retargeting, in-market, interest and offline socio-demographic or purchase data, etc) fit together for campaign planning…
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Your Website Here

Your Website Here

Want to embed a Tweet on your website? You’re in luck! Twitter has made it possible for you to display fully functional Tweets on your website or blog in a few simple steps. To…
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Benefits of digital advertising

Benefits of digital advertising

Once upon a time, online advertising had a shady reputation. Luckily for publishers, that’s all in the past. Online advertising is a way of life, and a way of business. There are…
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Digital advertising Blogs

Digital advertising Blogs

You wouldn’t buy a TV commercial on a channel with no viewers, or a billboard facing a road with no passersby, would you? By the same logic, chances are that you probably wouldn’t…
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Buying Keywords on Google

Buying Keywords on Google

Keywords are words or phrases that are used to match your ads with the terms that people are searching for. Selecting high quality, relevant keywords for your advertising campaign…
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