Craigslist is one of the most popular websites on the Internet and presents you with a great marketing opportunity for your small business. The Internet has provided the world…
Our banners are priced based on the size (height x width), quantity of each design, type of material, finishing options, and whether or not you need our designers to create your…
Pay-per-click keywords are the bread and butter of pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns. When based on the right keywords, PPC campaigns can be an extremely lucrative marketing…
Most of the new bloggers apply for AdSense many times and become disappointed after getting rejected by AdSense. But AdSense is not the only advertising network for publishers…
On June 30th, we began testing a new bidding option for video advertisers on Facebook. Cost-per-view (CPV) bidding is now available to all advertisers globally and is designed…
Hey Google: Instead of spamming the known universe with Adwords coupons for “new accounts only”, why don’t you let new advertisers actually run some ads for once? There’s something…
What are Course Tools? Course tools are applications that allow you to interact with your students in a variety of ways via the MyPCC portal. Course tools can be used to foster…
Congratulations on your new website! You have made the hard choice to invest in your business online, and you should be commended. Now, as you get comfortable with your new business…
Through the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine Office of Admission Partnership for Primary Care Program (PPC) you have the opportunity to bring quality…
Find out how you can make your site self promoting for free. Your website. Your social site. An affiliate site. A home business. Your Youtube site. A blog. A Small - Medium Enterprise…
We have talked a lot about Alexa in the past, and I realized I have missed out the most basic tutorial here, and that is how you can submit website to Alexa. Usually, Alexa picks…
We’re getting several reports of fraudulent providers and durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers who are offering beneficiaries “free” services or equipment in exchange for…
The Internet is a giant blank marketing canvas for brands savvy enough to cut through the noise and find new ways to get consumers to listen up. We asked some of the founders from…
The Theodore Roosevelt Federal Building that houses the Office of Personnel Management. Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images It feels like China is always behind big hacks. It s not…
It sounds a bit tired, but it s true. A well executed social strategy is a good way to get the word out. Note that most big brands put money behind this so its not always free…
There are three main ways of pricing online advertising: 1. Impressions An impression is the display of an ad on a page in a publisher s site. This model is justlike print advertising…
It’s important to utilize Google Analytics when running an AdWords campaign. Google Analytics allows you to understand how the traffic your paid search campaign generates behaves…
If you haven t played Divinity: Original Sin but have only seen screenshots, it would be easy to dismiss its success as owing to its grab at PC-enthusiast nostalgia. That isometric…
The Internet reaches millions of users which presents a prime opportunity for advertisers, and the costs of internet marketing andare unlimited. The costs of reaching such a wide…
Then you need some software which can record the feed from a webcam either continuously or – more usually – when motion is detected. There are good free applications, such as iSpy…