10 Marketing Predictions for 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC] – There have been many changes in the digital marketing space over 2014, and that has marketers preparing to revise their strategies… you can have a custom website
If you want to promote your blog, website or online business, there’s no need to have a large advertising budget. There are, in fact, many free or very low-cost ways to advertise…
The Secret to Pleasant Pop-Ups by •Comments Off on The Secret to Pleasant Pop-Ups You’ve just arrived at a website you thought sounded interesting, you’re keen to see what it’s…
Make sure you place the ad correctly. Ads that people can’t see won’t be clicked on, so make sure the ads are located in a prime spot that will generate interest. The best spots…
One of the biggest red flags I see in many Internet-related business plans today is advertising as the initial revenue stream, or a key part of it. If challenged, the founder usually…
In August 2012, we launched a new website targeting health and fitness clubs on a subdomain. I’d like to share some of the data we ve collected over the past six months, so you…
This Infographic is Property of WordStream, Inc. WordStream is a provider of PPC management software, PPC tools, and a FREE keyword research tool. What is Google AdWords What is…
Online marketing has changed dramatically in the past few years. When Google released search their Panda and Penguin algorithm updates, many website owners were sent scrambling…
Whether it’s advertising via old standbys like TV, newspapers and radio or newer media like mobile and online, earning consumer trust is the holy grail of a successful campaign…
The advent of internet has changed the world for the better, but whether it has made a considerable impact in the world of marketing or not, that is debatable. The companies in…
Make sure your design aids the user experience to ensure they stay on your site. Learn from these tiresome design flubs so your website doesn’t fall for them. 1) Sliders I know…
It seems that Google is rolling out a change to Google AdWords that sees 4 ads at the top of the search results, none on the sidebar at all, and an additional 3 ads at the bottom…
Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses simple a Javascript code to anonymously ‘follow’ your audience all over the Web. Here’s how it works: you place a small, unobtrusive…
(n.) Advertising on a website that is targeted to the specific individual who is visiting the Web site. A contextual ad system scans the text of a Web site for keywords and returns…
Unlike using pay per click ads, charges for most banner ads are either cost per thousand (CPM) impressions or a flat rate per month, quarter, or year. The more targeted the audience…
It is no secret that in this day and age, online presence = brand awareness. In fact, most marketing experts agree that how you present your brand online is the 21st century equivalent…
Hello from the Local Ad Team We are here to help you give your local business a boost by using Netmums whether you re interested in our free of charge local listings or one of…
When setting up a paid Facebook ad, there are a lot of boxes to be checked. Are you targeting the right people? Are your image dimensions to scale? Are you running the right type…
A: Advertising revenue is extremely important to the Internet sector, though reliance on advertising revenue varies among industry participants. Certain Internet firms such as…
I see it time and time again: The number-one challenge faced by brand-new internet business owners is a lack of traffic. Obviously, if your website isn t getting any traffic, you…
So your boss assigns you the task of building out your company’s AdWords account. Your heart sinks to the bottom of your chest, as flashbacks from high school of sitting in math…