Ads with Google

Opt out

You can opt out of interest-based ads by Google through Ads Settings. When you opt out, you’ll still see ads but they may not be related to factors such as your interests, previous visits to other websites, or demographic details.

In this article

  • Where your opt outs will apply
  • How to opt out
  • What opting out doesn’t do

Where your opt outs will apply

Your opt outs will apply to interest-based ads in the following places:

  • Google Search and other Google products like Google Maps and Gmail
  • Sites across the web that are part of the Google Display Network

How to opt out

Ads Settings lets you opt out of ads shown to you based on factors such as your interests, previous visits to other websites, and demographic details on your computer’s browser.

Opting out of ads based on your interests when signed into Google sites

  1. Next to “Ads based on your interests, ” click the switch if it's in the ON position.
  2. In the dialog that opens, click the SWITCH OFF link to confirm your selection.

Opting out of websites beyond

To opt out of all of Google’s interest-based ads on your browser, you’ll need to opt out in 3 places: once when you're signed in to Google products, once when you're signed out, and once for ads on the Display Network (“…websites beyond”). The reason for the different opt-outs is that Google uses different information to target ads, depending on how you're interacting with Google and whether you're signed in with your Google account.

What opting out doesn’t do

There are some things that opting out doesn’t do. Here are some of the most common scenarios and what you can do to address them.

Stop ads altogether
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