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Getting free stuff online is really easy, but there are a few things you should know before we set you out on your own to request freebies. 1.) Make sure that when you request a free item, the address bar matches what's on the page. Don't worry, all the freebies we post on here are pre-screened. You'll only find high quality offers that aren't scams and don't require you pay anything. Free Mania is about 100% totally free stuff. 2.) You really must have a Facebook account because over 30% of free items we post are listed on Facebook. 4.) Get a junk email address that you can use when requesting free samples. I recommend a Gmail account for this. To register, you'll often be required for a double opt-in (confirmation email), so make sure you not only have an email address for requesting freebies, but that you also know the password and have it easily accessible. 6.) Free samples don't just come companies that are advertising them. Get creative. You can contact manufacturers of your favorite products to tell them what you think (good or bad) and they'll often respond with a coupon in the mail or sometimes even free product. 7.) Also, check out the restaurant chains you love most online. Many of them have email clubs you can join to get free food as soon as you join. 8.) Coupons are awesome for getting valuable free stuff. We try to list a fair amount of printable coupons matched up with sales to get you free stuff. You can also always find a whole slew of free coupons to print at your leisure. Coupon match ups also go fast. So, you've gotta be on your toes. You can find a coupon database on Free Mania where you can match dinner plans to what's on sale or cheap with coupon. 9.) Groupon won't get you free stuff, but you'll find services you'd use anyway and restaurants in your area at half price. Also, ScoutMob is worth a look for coupons that last longer, but without having to buy anything. 10.) Hot freebies run out of supply really fast. And some free items are only available for limited time frames, so check out the freebie calendar on Free Mania and register to get access. The free stuff forum is an excellent place to share your amazing finds. Don't be a freebie hoard... tell us what you find so we can grab it too! Bonus tip: Join our email list for the best freebies of the week, curated in one condensed email. To join, enter your email address in the top right hand corner of any page of this site and hit subscribe. |
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