Google advertising AdWords

Understanding your seller ratings

Seller ratings may appear for certain businesses when their website, ad, or product listing appears across Google products. We do not modify existing reviews. We connect users with reviews from seller ratings websites and other sources. To provide consistent ratings, we re-scale Google ratings on a 1-5 scale and filter out reviews that we consider to be untrustworthy or otherwise questionable.

We base seller ratings on a number of sources, including:

  • Aggregated performance metrics from Google-led shopping research.
  • Shopping reviews for your store domain, which include reviews from the various independent sources listed below.

We source reviews from the following independent review websites:

If you don’t yet have reviews for your store, you can reach out to any of the following services:

Service Available countries Description
AU, DE, GB, FR, JP, US A certification program which collects post-transaction reviews for participating merchants.
Evaluation by Google
and / or
DE, FR, GB, US These programs measure the quality of the shopping experience provided by online retailers.

Google collects data about selected merchants and the shopping experience they provide.

Review partners See each partner website Google works with all the review partners listed above. Please reach out to any partner you’d like to work with directly.

When your ads might appear with seller ratings

Only certain ads are eligible to appear with seller ratings. Once you meet the following criteria, your ads could be eligible to show seller ratings on Google search results and Google search partners.

Make sure your campaign and domains are set up correctly:

  • Visitors must be searching on,,,,,,,, or

Monitor reviews to ensure your seller ratings appear:

  • In most cases, your business must have at least 30 unique reviews — each from the past 12 months.
  • Your composite rating generally must be at least 3.5 stars or higher.

Receiving StellaService or Google-led shopping research data:

  • StellaService and/or Google may choose to evaluate the experience of your online business at any time. Once this evaluation is complete, your rating score and eligibility to show ratings on your ads may change.
  • StellaService and/or Google do not proactively notify businesses of our activity.
  • Having your online business evaluated can help you understand and optimize your service experience, and can help improve the performance of your online marketing programs.


You don't need a Google Merchant Center account for your ads to be eligible for seller ratings.

Be a great business

The best way to improve your ratings is to make sure that your customers receive excellent customer service. Happy customers attract more happy customers, who are willing to rate you well and tell others about your business or products.

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