Google advertisers

Advertising ID

Android Advertising ID settings screenshotThe advertising ID (“advertising ID”) is a user-resettable, unique, anonymous ID for advertising, provided by Google Play services. It gives users better controls and provides developers with a simple, standard system to continue to monetize their apps. It enables users to reset their identifier or opt out of interest-based ads within Google Play apps.

Beginning August 1st 2014, the Google Play Developer Program Policy requires that all updates and new apps uploaded to the Play Store use the advertising ID (when available on a device) in place of any other device identifiers for any advertising purposes. Developers will be responsible for ensuring their apps are in compliance with policies regarding its usage, as well as all Play policies.

Once the new policy is active, apps using a persistent ID other than the advertising ID may receive a policy violation warning via the publisher site or the email address used to register the account. If you receive a warning, you should ensure that any published APKs comply with the advertising ID related guidance in the Developer Program Policy. If you are using a third-party ad SDK, please contact the SDK maker to obtain a new version that complies with this new policy.


Q: Will persistent identifiers such as the Android ID continue to be available after Aug 1st?

A: Yes, persistent identifiers will still be available as there are various supported use cases which are not related to advertising. Longer term, we will evaluate additional opportunities to provide users with even more informed control over what persistent identifiers are provided to third parties. We will communicate this prominently and in advance when we have details.

Q: Can I use a persistent identifier for non-advertising purposes?

A: Yes, provided you have a privacy policy and handle the data in accordance with the Developer Terms, and all applicable privacy laws in the areas you make your app available.

Q: What happens if a device I’m targeting does not have an advertising ID?

A: When an advertising ID is not present, you may fall back to using a persistent or proprietary identifier, provided you have presented the user with a privacy policy and handle the data in accordance with the Developer Terms, including all applicable privacy laws in the areas you make your app available.

Q: What is the purpose of this change?

A: On Oct 31st, 2013, we introduced an anonymous identifier for advertising purposes. This was created to give users better controls and to provide developers with a simple, standard system to continue to monetize their apps. This advertising ID enables users to reset their identifier or opt out of interest-based targeting in ads for Google Play apps.

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