Banner Advertising is displayed in multiple locations on each TripSmarter.Com web page. Banners can be targeted to specific markets. Banner Packages are sold based on impressions, and banners can be produced for a small fee if required. All advertisers will be provided with performance reports upon request.
Banner Ad Rates
Banner Ad Packages
- Platinum Package - $150 per month (25, 000 ad impressions per month)
- Gold Package - $125 per month (15, 000 ad impressions per month)
- Silver Package $100 per month (10, 000 ad impressions per month)
'Impressions' refers to your ad being displayed on a TripSmarter.Com web page. Impressions amount is a combined total of impressions for all sizes of your banner ads.
Banner Ad Production
If you do not already have banners in our specified sizes, we can produce them for you for a one-time fee of $100. Your Account Executive will ask you for logos, photos, tag lines and general messages for your banner ads. Please provide as much requested material as possible.
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