Internet Advertising Techniques

Internet Advertising: 10 Free Internet Advertising Techniques

I believe strongly that Internet advertising techniques for online businesses should be battle-proven. These 10 free Internet advertising techniques worked for me. Apply them. They'll boost your sales through increased visibility and credibility.

The most critical (mostly free) Internet advertising technique for any online business is to optimize your site for the search engines. This page looks at alternative free Internet advertising techniques. To learn more about search engine advertising, please refer to the latest Search Engine Yearbook.

The key to using awards as an Internet marketing device is in giving ratings - not prizes. It's cheaper, but the real benefit is that ratings enable you to get your online business noticed.

(1) It is designed to convince the author that the Pandecta top 20 is an exclusive club, and that being rated there is a fantastic achievement (which it is).
(2) We attach this image for them to place on their sites to enhance the credibility of their own sales efforts.

We ask them to link the image to our site, but even if they don't, the icon gets our name out there. That is enough, because it creates brand awareness and we've registered our title-domain ( That way their visitors will still find us easily enough.

The amount of work required to maintain a top e-zine makes this marketing technique unsuitable for most. It is no good to send out an average e-zine. In Internet marketing, your e-zine is the image of you online business.

Give it away for free, include as little advertisements as possible and as much content as possible. Don't try to make money off your e-zine. It is a tool. It reminds people of your products and establishes you as an expert in your field.

In the real world, premiums include coffee mugs, ties, key chains etc. A high quality logo and/or company name is printed on it and it is handed out for free.

An online business can also utilize all these in Internet marketing, but think about screen savers, backgrounds, mouse pointers, mouse pads etc. As long as it is free and looks great, people will use it and be reminded of your business every time they do.

When you have your premium ready to go, don't just advertise it on your site. Many sites on the Net list "free stuff". Submit your creations to as many of these sites as you can.

This Internet marketing technique is not for everyone, but a great way to show that you are a leading authority in your field. When you speak before your local chamber of commerce or trade association, the spin-off publication can be substantial.

Speeches are the most effective offline Internet marketing technique.

The same advantages here as for speeches, with the added bonus of reaching a bigger audience over the Internet and the fact that you don't have those podium spot-lights in your eyes :-)

The e-zine world provides a fertile ground for your Internet marketing efforts. There simply are too many e-zines, so fresh content is highly valued. You shouldn't have too much trouble getting published. Don't just pitch your business - wrap your sales pitch in content that readers will appreciate and enjoy.

If you're going to offer the editor exclusivity, be sure to ask what his subscriber count is. Anything above 40 000 is good.

Ideally, every product you sell should include a bonus. It is a widely used marketing technique on the Internet so users almost expect it.

For example: "Buy this gardening book for just $17 and get a free 4-day e-mail course on creative garden design!".

The bonus should be a high quality product. Something you'd be able to sell on its own. That way you create that fuzzy feeling with prospective clients. Fuzzy? Yes fuzzy. Make them like you. They'll associate your business/products with that warm (fuzzy) feeling you get when you find a great bargain.

On the Internet, as in real life, free samples attract attention. If the sample is good, attention turns into new sales.

At Pandecta Magazine we offer a sample issue. It is exactly like the regular monthly issues in every way - and that is vital. Don't spice up your free sample for the sake of marketing your product. The idea is to show the customers exactly what they'll get for their money. This is a trust-building opportunity.


Whatever you sell, you can sell more

It's amazing how few businesses - especially online -
realize just how important a professional PRESENTATION is.

You need to SHOW your potential customers that you are serious.
Good web design helps, but a second-rate logo will spoil every
attempt at converting visitors into trusting customers.

Without a professional logo, you will never "get e-commerce right".
Your logo will make or break the customer's first impression
of you, your site, your business and your products.

Your previous customers and e-zine subscribers should be made to feel special. They have trusted you with either their credit card info or their contact info or both, so treat them like gold.

Offer them specials, tell them about new products before you tell anyone else etc.

Send them something for free every now and again. Something other people have to pay for.

Never EVER use your communications with existing clients to push your latest product. Do you enjoy sales pitches in your inbox? Just make fuzzy! Sales will follow.

Chances are that you found this page after you did a search for "Internet marketing for online business" - not because you knew about (or wanted to buy) Pandecta Magazine. At least now I've told you about Pandecta. The name will stick in your head forever. Pandecta Pandecta Pandecta!

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