Advertise through Google

Advertise all your products through a single ad unit – Google

The Contextual Dynamic Creative (CDC) Template is a new feature in Display Ad Builder that lets you create one ad through which you can advertise all of the products in your Google Merchant Center Feed.

Previously, you had to create an ad for every product you wanted to advertise. Now you can simply create one ad unit, choose which websites you want to advertise on, and Google will select the most relevant products to show in the ad, based on the content of the website on which your ad is showing.

  • Sync the product inventory in your Google Merchant Center Feed with your ad unit so that all your products automatically get pulled into your ads.
  • Create 1-product or 3-product ad creatives and customize the design of each format.
  • Ads will automatically feature the most relevant product from your inventory, based on the content of the website the ad is showing on. For example: the ad will show a dress on a fashion website and a backpack on an outdoor travel site.

As always, you get the pricing flexibility of the Display Network – you select the maximum amount you'll pay for clicks, conversions, or impressions.

Watch the video to learn more

Sign-up to test CDC

Enter your customer and merchant IDs if you are interested in participating in our beta test of the Contextual Dynamic Creative feature.

Go now

Success story: ResortQuest

ResortQuest Vacation Rentals achieved a higher click-through rate and a lower cost per conversion by using ads created for free with the AdWords Display Ad Builder.

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